Novels and novellas by Max Griffin

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Flatland: Where a fortune in mob money, a stone-cold serial killer, and a crooked FBI agent collide with two gay guys looking for love.

Rick broods over his missing wife, but that doesn't stop him from inviting Brandon to move into his mansion in the hills of southwest Wisconsin. When the sheriff finds bodies at the estate, it's a race against time to save Rick from accusations of murder.

Three short stories by Max Griffin.  In The Meeting, Danny rushes across town for an urgent, late-night rendezvous when a bunch of toughs decide to bash him, with unexpected results. Ad Infinitum provides a new take on the vampire legend when a creature who prowls gay bars seeking thrills and more finds that even predators can be prey. In The Kobold in the Hardentstien Baths, an ancient legend finds a home in a gay bath house.

Allen, a graduate student, and Sam, a cop, are unlikely lovers in the small college town of Hollenbeck. When a serial killer stalks young men in the town, Sam investigates, and the clues lead back to the genetically engineered dogs in Allen's lab. Danger mounts as the killer closes his grip on the city.

Jeff spends his days hawking suspended animation contracts to greedy trust fund heirs who hope to cash in on the stock market and to patients with terminal diagnoses who hope for a cure in the future. Jeff spends his nights alone. His former lover had an affair with his brother and his only friend is away on her honeymoon. When a mysterious stranger named Cal appears from nowhere, things start to turn around for him. But then Jeff loses his job and he learns the frightening truth about his new love. Now he must decide whether Cal is his future or something more sinister.

Kiernan takes a holiday from his job as church vocalist in Chicago. He and his deceased lover had planned this cross-country journey, but he must now go alone. He hopes to escape the bonds of loneliness in the allure of sexual adventure. Instead, fate leads him to an unexpected destination.

Gabe and Luke hope that a week camping and making love in the mountains will renew their stressed relationship. Instead, a dark mystery lurks in the mountain that threatens to consume them both.

Peter’s an artist, but even his success can’t blot out the physical pain he has to endure from an accident with the dark energy propellant from his lover's scooter. He’s sinking into despair and there’s nothing his lover, Aaron, can do except watch. But then a strange legacy from a distant Uncle on a far-off planet changes everything. As Peter pieces together the mystery behind the painting and the journal, he also uncovers a passionate love story that crosses boundaries, time and space.